The younger Scipio Africanus left to his heir thirty-two
pounds' weight of silver; the same person who, on his triumph
over the Carthaginians, displayed four thousand three hundred
and seventy pounds' weight of that metal. Such was the sum
total of the silver possessed by the whole of the inhabitants of
Carthage, that rival of Rome for the empire of the world!
How many a Roman since then has surpassed her in his display
of plate for a single table! After the destruction of
Numantia, the same Africanus gave to his soldiers, on the
day of his triumph, a largess of seven denarii each—and right
worthy were they of such a general, when satisfied with such
a sum! His brother, Scipio Allobrogicus,[1] was the very
first who possessed one thousand pounds' weight of silver,
but Drusus Livius, when he was tribune of the people, possessed
ten thousand. As to the fact that an ancient warrior,[2] a man,
too, who had enjoyed a triumph, should have incurred the notice
of the censor for being in possession of five pounds' weight of
silver, it is a thing that would appear quite fabulous at the
present day.[3] The same, too, with the instance of Catus
Ælius,[4] who, when consul, after being found by the Ætolian
ambassadors taking his morning meal[5] off of common earthenware,
refused to receive the silver vessels which they sent him;
and, indeed, was never in possession, to the last day of his
life, of any silver at all, with the exception of two drinking-cups,
which had been presented to him as the reward of his
valour, by L. Paulus,[6] his father-in-law, on the conquest of
King Perseus.
We read, too, that the Carthaginian ambassadors declared
that no people lived on more amicable terms among themselves
than the Romans, for that wherever they had dined
they had always met with the same[7] silver plate. And yet,
by Hercules! to my own knowledge, Pompeius Paulinus, son
of a Roman of equestrian rank at Arelate,[8] a member, too, of
a family, on the paternal side, that was graced with the fur,[9]
had with him, when serving with the army, and that, too, in
a war against the most savage nations, a service of silver plate
that weighed twelve thousand pounds!
1. So called from his victory over the Allobroges.
2. In allusion to the case of P. Cornelius Rufinus, the consul, who was
denounced in the senate by the censors C. Fabricius Luscinus and Q. Æmilius
Rufus, for being in possession of a certain quantity of silver plate.
This story is also referred to in B. xviii. c. 8, where ten pounds is the
quantity mentioned.
3. This is said ironically.
4. Sextus Ælius Pœtus Catus, Consul B.C. 198.
5. "Prandentem."
6. L. Paulus Æmilius.
7. It being lent from house to house. This, no doubt, was said ironically,
and as a sneer at their poverty.
8. Now Arles. It was made a military colony in the time of Augustus.
See B. iii. c. 5, and B. x. c. 57.
9. "Pellitum." There has been considerable doubt as to the meaning
of this, but it is most probable that the "privilege of the fur," or in other
words, a license to be clad in certain kinds of fur, was conferred on certain
men of rank in the provinces. Holland considers it to be the old participle
of "pello," and translates the passage "banished out of the country
and nation where his father was born."